Character : Here comes Captain Matamoro! No need being scared of him because in spite of his ferocious, arrogant and authoritarian bearing the Captain is nothing but a braggart and a pathetic coward. He will tell anyone who listens that he can subdue whole armies by himself. He also will tell you that he has faced the enemy in a one to a thousand match without ever a scratch. The truth is that the Captain has never been wounded for the simple fact that he has never been in combat. The Captain is some sort of soldiering Don Juan, a coward, lazy and boisterous chicken-hearted milksop.
Costume and Mask : The Captain is dressed as a Spanish soldier and wears an enormous hat with feathers cascading to the side, a doublet, a large belt and a huge dagger. His mask shows him to be menacing and bellicose. He has a long, bulbous nose leading to a handsome moustache.